Redirecting to PMD CONTRACTED DELIVERABLES: Acquisitions | Warner Bros Discovery

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by | Dec 9, 2024

Warner Bros. Discovery contracted program deliverables for Acquisition agreements are listed below. All materials listed below are required if they are available from the licensor. Please notify your WBD contacts of any unavailable materials.


Program Master Files

Required. For Programs that include multiple episodes, each individual episode must be delivered as its own Program Master File.  All technical aspects and delivery method must conform to the latest version of the Discovery Global Technical Specifications as defined here.

Any Captions/Subtitles, Textless Materials and Graphics must be delivered as separate files (materials are required if they are available from licensor). 

Audio Stems

Split/submaster stems are required per episode if masters only conform with Discovery’s 2-track or 4-track configuration per Global Technical Specifications and stems are available from licensor. Additional language files may be required per agreement. All technical aspects and delivery method must conform to the latest version of the Discovery Global Technical Specifications as defined here.

Captions and Subtitles

If available. Captions and Subtitles are to be delivered as separate files.  All technical aspects and delivery method must conform to the latest version of the Discovery Global Technical Specifications as defined here

Textless Material

If available. Textless Material is to be uploaded as a separate file. All technical aspects and delivery method must conform to the latest version of the Discovery Global Technical Specifications as defined here.

Program Graphics Master (if requested)

If available.  All technical aspects and delivery method must conform to the latest version of the Discovery Global Technical Specifications as defined here.

Program/Series/Episode Descriptions

Provide the program descriptions written and submitted for each licensed program as a document uploaded to the Producers Portal; A template of required and additional program description values is available from your Content Operations contacts. Deliver hierarchical metadata formatted as it should face the consumer as close to first Program Master File delivery as possible to ensure accuracy when uploading to Producers Portal. The portal utilizes Show, Season and Episode structure and numbering to guide delivery. Upload to Portal. 

  1. Hierarchical program descriptions required – Excel format. Discovery defines this as Series>Season>Episode titles and descriptions with consumer-facing season and episode numbers and program structure. Each line on the Excel should represent an episode. 
  1. USTV Parental Rating with a descriptor for each episode is required. MPAA where applicable. Excel format. 
  1. Additional program descriptions: including but not limited to talent, locations, keywords, genre (or similar categories) should be delivered when available. 
  1. TMS/Gracenote IDs for prescribed content (both show-level and episode-level TMS ID) should be delivered to Discovery when available. Excel format. 

Series and Episodic Artwork

Please ask your network contacts how to send links to series-and-season-level Key Art materials.

Key Art: Please use the specifications available here 

Episodic Images: Plan to supply a minimum of one episodic image per episode (1920×1080 .jpg) per the specifications and upload method outlined here.

Music Cue Sheets

If available. Upload music cue sheets originally approved for licensed material. If acquisition is first-run of WBD distribution, follow the guidelines here.

Final Transcript

If available. Deliver final transcript/script/as-broadcast scripts available for the licensed material per the specifications outlined here.

Final Credit List

If available. Deliver final credit lists available for the licensed material as a document to the Producers Portal.

E&O Insurance Certificate

If available. Deliver any Errors & Omissions Certificate relevant the licensed material as a document uploaded to the Producers Portal.