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US Credit Guidelines

by | Apr 30, 2021

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Open Download Copy Link 18.88 MB 2021-06-08 June 8, 2021 2021-05-26 May 26, 2021
18.88 MBMay 26, 2021





  • When program cuts deliver, please deliver the Draft Credit List
  • When program master files deliver , please deliver Final Credit List 

The example attached above includes both single column and double column credits.   Please see specific requirements for each network below and consult with your Discovery Network Production team (Network Executive Producer or Production Executive and Coordinating Producer or Associate Producer).  


The network must approve your draft credit list prior to you locking the final credit list. 

Discovery Channel and Discovery Family Channel require end credits to be embedded over the final :20 seconds of programsFood Network and HGTV require end credits to be embedded over the final :15 seconds of programs.   All other US Networks require end credits to be embedded over the final :30 seconds of programs.

If any special full-screen credits are required, they must be part of the delivered program and fit within program clock. For example, the credits may commence 32 seconds before the end of the show in order to accommodate a special full-screen credit.

If the project is a Commission and/or Discovery retains International rights and/or delivers in anamorphic format, the Producer still needs to deliver an end credit roll separately.


The copyright information at the end of your credits should read as follows, depending on the type of programming agreement.  The year is when it is created/shot.

© [Year] Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.

[Trademark] is a trademark of Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Produced by [Producer] for [Network]
© [Year] [Producer]


      • Job Title – Helvetica font, point size 18, upper and lower case.
      • Person’s name – Helvetica 95 Black font, point size 18, all caps (use bold function to achieve this).
      • Both lines should have a 2 point shadow and are 100% white.
      • Embedded Credits are limited to the lower-third of the video screen and may not breach the upper half of the video screen.
      • The program time for embedded credits must be actual program content and be a part of the core content, story and/or wrap-up for the program. Content Time Includes: disclaimers, program tease/open, graphic titles, Acts 1-6, bumps in/out, embedded credits and any other elements, (promotional, adsales, etc.) attached to the program.
      • Producers should work with their Network Production Team to determine the appropriate layout, flow, and timing of the credits.

Do Not Move or Delete

Animal Planet

Credits are limited to a total of 50, including DCL internal credits.

APL credits will follow the main body of credits. Consult with your EP prior to building your credits for the appropriate APL credit list. 

Production company logos or websites are NOT permitted in credits. Sorry, no exceptions.


How are credits to be done?  DTC original should be delivered with :30 credits as cards over black for all length of shows.   Some details below, full details to be found in Production Guidelines. 

  • No maximum number of credits, but they should mirror linear network so re-versioning is efficient.
  • No cards specific for D+ staff
  • If :30 credit bed matches linear network credits, card duration should follow that format; if not, proportionally extend.
  • Credit bed can have music or silence, up to production to decide what is best.
  • Font: White Gotham Medium
  • Production credit before copyright should read, “Produced by XXX(prod co)”.  D+ will be eliminating reference to “for network”.
  • Same copyright info as linear

Discovery Channel

You may have up to 50 credits maximum, including up to 5 internal Discovery personnel credits. As a guide, we have found that these optimally fit onto 20-24 cards max. 

Check with your Discovery production team on names and correct spelling. The following are the standard Discovery Channel credits to be listed in the following order:

Executive Producer
Producer or Coordinating Producer or Associate Producer (as applicable)
Production Manager/s 

Email your draft credit list (as a word document) to your Discovery production team for approval (cc: PMD).  Once the credit list is approved, upload to the Producer’s Portal.

Each Trade-out mention, Special Thanks, & Archival Footage used are considered to be part of the 50 total credits within the allotted :20 seconds.

If pre-approved full-screen credits are contractually required, these should be included on the program master and fit within the approved network clock.

In the event that the final :20 seconds of program time is sensitive or inappropriate for embedded credits, the final credits may commence up to 1:00 minute prior to the end of program time in order to accommodate the embedded credit guidelines.

Credits may not run over outtakes, “Next On” teases or uneventful content where the program has already “wrapped.”

No company logos of any type are allowed in Discovery Channel credits. This includes Discovery Channel’s logo, production company logos and/or any other 3rd party company associated with the program.

Contact information and/or websites may not be included in the final credits.

Discovery Family

Credits must be embedded over the video at the end of the last segment, preferably the last :20 seconds.

Embedded credits can start earlier if there is a need to have the final seconds of video clean at the end of the program.

The credits MUST be :20 seconds long. 

Credits are limited to 50 names including 4 reserved for internal DCI usage.

Credits must “page” on and off. 

See your DCI Production Team for details.

Food & Cooking

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End credits must be 15 seconds in length, occupy the lower third portion of the frame, be placed directly over footage, and occur at the end of the program. 

Each credit must be up for a reasonable amount of time so that it may be read. 

No credit rolls will be allowed. 

Substantive content should continue until the end of the program with the credit text occurring over footage in the last 15 seconds with no graphic banner. 

Substantive credits must not include web addresses. 

Substantive Credits are limited to the following “above the line” categories and subject to Network approval: Executive Producer; Supervising Producer; Director; Senior Producer; Line Producer; Associate Producer; Researcher; Editor; Executive in Charge for (applicable Network)

The Network logo must be placed directly above the applicable copyright notice listed above.



(As of December 2023) 

  • End Credits with Copyright Notice must be 15 seconds in length. 
  • Credits should occupy the center lower third portion of the frame, be placed directly over footage, and occur at the end of the program.  
  • No credit rolls will be allowed. Substantive content should continue until the end of the program with the credit text occurring over footage in the last 15 seconds with no graphic banner. Substantive credits must not include web addresses.  
  • There is no credit limit, however, each credit must be up for a reasonable amount of time so that it may be read. Total credits may not go past the allotted 15 seconds. 
  • Font should be White, Gotham Medium (Upper and lowercase) with a slight 50% drop shadow. Size 14.  Do not exceed 4 lines of type and build from the bottom up.  If you must exceed 4 lines of type, it must be approved by your Production Executive/Associate Producer. 
  • A sample list of elements includes:  
  • Substantive Credits (9 seconds), dissolve (half second), Producer Logo (3 seconds in lower third format), dissolve (half second), Network Copyright Notice (2 seconds).  
  • Substantive Credits are limited to the following “above the line” categories and subject to Network approval: Executive Producer; Supervising Producer; Director; Senior Producer; Line Producer; Associate Producer; Researcher; Editor; For internal network credits, only 2 names on one shared card:  For Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. [“Title”/Employee Name(s)]”.  Generally, this will be the Executive(s) in Charge of Production and/or Associate Producer (with approval).    
  • Copyright year is the year in which the program will air. Do not use Roman numerals for the copyright notice year; instead use 2021, 2022 etc.  


Production company credits should read: “Produced By [e.g. XYZ Entertainment]” (Also,no longer a specific HGTV mention here.)***Producer Logos for HGTV are no longer accepted in credits as of 10/29/2021 to conform to Discovery-wide policy.*** Producer card/information must be in the same font/size as the rest of the credits.  Any current season/arc still using logos may finish out the arc with logos, but please adhere to the policy moving forward.  Please check with BLA if you have any questions regarding this. 

  • Trade out/ Integration Listing in credits: 
  • Any product or service used in the show that is received gratis or at a deep discount AND is promised the approved vendor exposure above should be listed in the credits of each episode where they appear under “Promotional Consideration Provided By” in the credit’s font (no logos) in the standard font size.      
  • Any product or service used in the show that is received gratis or at a deep discount AND is NOT guaranteed any exposure in-show or otherwise should be listed in the credits of each episode under “Special Thanks.”    
  • Product integrations that are brokered by the WBD Sales team and managed by the network Branded Entertainment team should appear in credits under “Promotional Consideration Provided By” in the credits.     
  • For any other specific trade-out credits questions please touch base with your Program Integrations representative for approval and placement. 
  • The applicable Network copyright must be used as follows: 

  © [year] Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. 

  • Send final credit list to network Associate Producer for approval before submitting final master. 


Repacks Credits: 

  • All repacks must include the source credits. 
  • Additional credits will be added on a case by case basis.  
  • Copyright Dates- 
  • Light Repack (Only graphics added)- Original date, unless new footage has been added. (Original Date with new Discovery Copyright info) 
  • Heavy Repack Specials (Clip Shows)- Current year copyright.  (Current Year/New Discovery Copyright info) 
  • Heavy (New Graphics, host wraps, additional footage) – Current year copyright. (Current year/New Discovery Copyright) 
  • Re-titles – (Original source year, New Discovery Copyright info) 


Licensed/Acquisitions/Recuts-Retitles Credits: 

  • Any re-cut/re-titled Licensed Programs or Acquisitions must include the source credits. 
  • Original Copyright date and Owner information needs to stay in show. 



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For ID Clock:
– Embedded Credits included in TRT.

– Must be embedded over the last :30 seconds of video at the end of the last segment. Embedded credits can start earlier if there is a need to have the final seconds of video clean at the end of the program.

– The credits must “page” on and off.

Embedded Credit Details:
– Credits are limited to the lower-third of the video screen and may not breach the upper half of the video screen. The credits must “page” on and off.

– Font for Job Title: Helvetica font at 18pt, Upper and Lower case – Font for Name: Helvetica 95 Black at 18pt, All Caps (use bold function to achieve this)

– Both Job Title and Name should have a 2-point shadow and are 100% white. – Credits are limited to 50 names including 2 reserved for ID use. – Include ID credits on 1 card with “For Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.” at the top of card:

For Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Senior Executive Producer
(add NAME)
Associate/Coordinating Producer
(add NAME)

– Include production credit/copyright as follows: Copyright year should match the year it was filmed. Do not use Roman numerals.

For Commissions:
Produced by [Prod Company]
© [Year] Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.

For CoProductions:
Produced by [Prod Company]
© [Year] [Prod Company]

– Credits included in TRT
– Fullscreen. Centered Placement.
– Font for Job Title: Gotham Book at 28pt in 100% White, Upper and Lower case, No shadow – Font for Name: Gotham Bold at 28pt in 100% White, All Caps, No shadow
– Music bed at producer’s discretion in consult with ID EP
– Credits are limited to 50 names including 2 reserved for ID use.
– Include ID credits on 1 card with “For Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.” at the top of card

For Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Senior Executive Producer
(add NAME)
Associate/Coordinating Producer
(add NAME)
– Include production credit/copyright as follows: Copyright year should match the year it was filmed. Do not use Roman numerals.

For Commissions:
Produced by [Prod Company]
© [Year] Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.

For CoProductions:
Produced by [Prod Company]
© [Year] [Prod Company]



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Credits must be embedded over the video at the end of the last segment, preferably the last :30 seconds.

Embedded credits can start earlier if there is a need to have the final seconds of video clean at the end of the program.

The credits MUST be :30 seconds long. 

Credits are limited to 50 names including 4 reserved for internal Discovery usage. Credits must “page” on and off. 

See your Discovery Production Team for details.



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1.84 MBJune 16, 2021




  • Draft credits are uploaded to the producers portal and need to be sent to OWN 5 business days before the submission of the FC. Approved credits must be included in program by FC (of each episode) and going forward.
  • Send all draft credits to the following:
    **Assigned Production Executive**
  • the assigned deliverables rep will email you back with the final approved credits

**Note** if you would prefer to stick to the font picked out in your graphics package, please alert the Programming and Production exec.




The Production Company name should not appear at the beginning of a program, but only in agreed form at the end.

At the end of program, the Production Company’s credit should consist of one or the following (Deliverables will confirm when they send back your approved credits)

  1. A) TEXTUAL: PRODUCED BY (PRODUCTION COMPANY (IN TEXT FORM) for OWN: OPRAH WINFREY NETWORK  (note :30 credit bed = :27 credits :03 OWN logo)


  1. B) LOGO: :02 non-animated full page, with or without copyright (note :30 credit bed  = :25 credits + :02 prod co logo +:03 OWN logo)

Followed by the :03 animated/full page OWN end logo card. The OWN copyright logo is found under (post production / own logo). If another own logo is required for your special/pilot/series, your DFS manager will send you a  link to that asset.



OWN Network’s required credits for your program will be sent to you by OWN Deliverables when you submit your draft credits for approval.


You may have up to 50 credits maximum, including up to 5 internal Discovery personnel credits. As a guide, we have found that these optimally fit onto 20-24 cards max. 

Check with your Science production team on names and correct spelling. The following are the standard Science credits to be listed in the following order:

Executive Producer
Producer or Coordinating Producer or Associate Producer (as applicable)
Production Manager/s 

Email your draft credit list (as a word document) to your Science production team for approval (cc: PMD).  Once the credit list is approved, upload to the Producer’s Portal.

Each Trade-out mention, Special Thanks, & Archival Footage used are considered to be part of the 50 total credits within the allotted :30 seconds.

If pre-approved full-screen credits are contractually required, these should be included on the program master and fit within the approved network clock.

In the event that the final :30 seconds of program time is sensitive or inappropriate for embedded credits, the final credits may commence up to 1:00 minute prior to the end of program time in order to accommodate the embedded credit guidelines.

Credits may not run over outtakes, “Next On” teases or uneventful content where the program has already “wrapped.”

No company logos of any type are allowed in Science Channel credits. This includes Science Channel’s logo, production company logos and/or any other 3rd party company associated with the program.

Contact information and/or websites may not be included in the final credits. 



Please email your draft credit list to network TLC Production Coordinator/Associate Producer (as a Word document) for approval.  Once approved, upload to the Producer’s Portal. 

Credits are limited to a guideline of 50.   We have found that these optimally fit into approximately 20-24 cards.

Check with your network Production Coordinator/Associate Producer on names and correct spellings on the internally TLC personnel credits:

For TLC:
Executive Producer or Supervising Producer
Production Coordinator or Associate Producer

The bug is up during embedded credits, therefore keep the credits on the left two-thirds of the screen

Unless DCL grants specific authorization to do so beforehand, the use of production logos is prohibited. 

Please also refer to the files embedded in the General Section above as a sample of embedded credits.


Credits are limited to 50 names or less, including up to 5 credits designated for Travel Channel. The entire list of credits must run in :30 seconds.

Each Trade-out mention, Special Thanks, Archival Footage, and Travel Channel credit used are considered to be part of the 50 total credits within the allotted 30 seconds.

Please contact your Travel Channel Production Team for a list of designated network credits. Please submit the credit list to the network Executive Producer team for approval.

All credits must run as a lower-third placed in the bottom left-hand side of the screen over the final :30 seconds of the show. In the event that the final :30 seconds of program time is sensitive or inappropriate for embedded credits, the final credits may commence up to 1:00 minute prior to the end of program time in order to accommodate the embedded credit guidelines.

The network bugs may be up during embedded credits; therefore keep the credits on the left two-thirds of the screen.

The running order of the 30 second embedded credits should be: 

      •      Production company credits
      •      Network Credits (preceded by the header For Travel Channel)
      •      Produced For Travel Channel By Production Company
      •      Copyright

The use of all logos, websites, and contact information are prohibited in the credit roll.