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Thank you for your interest in submitting a program proposal to Discovery Channel-US.

If you have questions or comments relating to Discovery Channel or any of our programming, please contact viewer relations directly at:

Comments or questions left here will NOT be routed appropriately.

We look forward to the opportunity to review your proposal. Please be sure to include all of the requested information.

If you have previously discussed your project with a network representative, it must be submitted here.

Please note, if you’ve spoken to a network representative, please include their name in the COMMENTS section. That will ensure it’s routed to the appropriate person.

You can expect to hear back from the network in 6-8 weeks.

If you have not worked with Discovery Channel before, please review the Guidelines in the menu to the left.

Thank you,

Discovery Channel-US Development Department


All proposals must be submitted via the Submissions process; we will not accept proposals mailed to our offices. Proposals will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. If we have initial interest in your project, we will contact you for more information. If we decide to pass on your submission, you will receive notification via email. Please allow at least eight weeks for a response. Please note: All tapes will be discarded – do NOT send originals.

Please follow these guidelines when submitting an idea to us:

  • Please do not put your title in “quotes.”
  • Your Full Project Description should provide us with your idea as well as how you intend to approach the subject (style).
  • Please indicate the number of episodes you intend to produce, as well as the length of each episode.
  • Your estimated budget should be a per episode estimate – this field is required. Detailed budgets will be requested if needed.
  • You must indicate whether you are requesting a commission, a co-production, or another type of deal. Please further address any deal issues in the comments section. If you are requesting a co-production, please indicate your partners in the comments section.
  • Please provide us with a rough production timeline for completion of the project. Do not include specific dates; rather, we would prefer to see how many weeks you would expect to spend on each stage of the project.
  • Address any additional issues in the comments section.
  • If you have not worked with Discovery Networks before, please send us a DVD copy of a long-form documentary project you’ve produced – not a demo reel. DVDs only (no materials), clearly marked with your submission ID, can be sent to Discovery Channel Submissions, One Discovery Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3354.