Redirecting to PMD Anti-Bribery | Warner Bros Discovery

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by | Oct 9, 2020


Discovery, Inc and its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide (“Discovery”) insist on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of their business operations, including their business relationships, and do not tolerate corruption in any form. Accordingly, our employees, as well as our agents and other representatives, must comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws worldwide and with the standards set out in this policy.

Discovery does not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form. Corruption is the abuse of power for personal gain and generally involves one or more people taking advantage of their position to achieve an impermissible end. Bribery is a form of corruption and is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the judgment or conduct of another.   Bribes can take in the following form or type:

      • money or loans
      • charitable or political donations
      • gifts or favors
      • pre-conditions to secure a deal or meeting with a potential partner
      • grease or “speedy” payments to expediate routine administrative tasks, such as accelerating the approval of a permit

You should not contact any government official (anyone who works for or is affiliated with or otherwise acts for on behalf of a government entity, a state-controlled entity, a political party or a public international organization such as cultural or film board)  without the prior approval of your Discovery point of contact.  If you are granted approval to conduct any government outreach, that outreach may not include giving gifts to or entertaining government officials without approval.


      • Be vigilant. The request for a bribe can be subtle and you may not realize it’s happening. Recognizing when you’re being asked to pay a bribe can help you navigate the situation.
      • There is a difference between well-documented, legitimate fines/fees versus “fines” or “fees” requested on the spot. For example, be cautious if law enforcement, local leaders or other officials request cash or “donation” in order to immediately excuse you from a ticket or fine.
      • If you’ve planned adequately, you should be prepared with appropriate documentation to enter a country, city, town or locality including when necessary with production equipment. For example, be cautious, if law enforcement, local leaders or other officials request immediate payment for the following scenarios:
          • permission to cross a border or carry filming equipment into a country, city, town or locality; or
          • refusal to honour an existing permit or visa and request additional on-the-spot payments to reinstate validity.

You may not use non-Discovery funds to do anything that is prohibited either by law or by this policy, nor should such payments be made indirectly through an agent or other intermediary such as a consultant acting for or on behalf of Discovery.

Prohibited activities or gift may include (but not limited to)

      • firearms and weaponry
      • gambling 
      • illegal substances 
      • luxury items
      • politically or religiously oriented items 
      • medical procedures 
      • sexually explicit entertainment or items.

Do not mischaracterize or omit any cash payments/transactions, including invoices or expenses incurred during your agreement. You should accurately record all transactions. Never agree to requests for false invoices or for payment of expenses that are unusual, excessive, inadequately described, or other suggestions that raise questions under these guidelines.

If you feel like your safety is threatened, diffuse the situation and proceed cautiously. When it’s safe, contact your Discovery point of contact. If you feel your safety remains at risk, contact the appropriate local authorities as soon as possible.

Discovery Hotline: Toll-free international numbers available on website