Redirecting to PMD Trailers | Discovery

Production Guide Menu


by | Aug 4, 2020


Provide a 1.5 – 3 minute theatrical trailer utilizing footage from the first few episodes for the audience to get a sense of the series.  

      • Conveys the stakes, characters, or conflicts.
      • All materials shall be cleared for promotional use in all media, all markets worldwide, in perpetuity or as required in the contract. 
      • Deliver as directed by Editorial or Programming team (4+ weeks prior to master delivery)

Do Not Move or Delete

Investigation Discovery Specifics

For Investigation Discovery – US ONLY

Press Trailer

The Communications team will use this promotional trailer with media outlets to help announce the show and get consumers excited. The Press Trailer should tap into the show’s unique vibe and purpose, something that makes the show a must-watch and captures its essence, giving an overall view and feel for the show and sense of the series. It should convey the stakes, characters, conflicts, etc. and showcase how compelling the show is.

All materials shall be cleared for press, promotional and social media use in all media, all markets worldwide, in perpetuity or as required in the contract.

TRT: 1:30-2:30

Expect RC and FC approvals with standard turn-around time for notes.

Final delivery: approx. 5 weeks prior to airdate, as directed by EP and/or Comms team.



Frame Rate to match frame rate of the program
Bitrate: VBR, 1 pass, Target 15.00 Mbps
Audio: AAC, 320 kbps, 48 kHz, stereo

Network logo may be required, as directed by EP and/or Comms team

Include tune-in card at the end with title of show and premiere information, as directed by EP and/or Comms team.



Google Drive folder provided by Comms team
Upload to Portal to “Promo Materials” under Case Trailers.
Please also notify EP/AP via email when trailer has been delivered.








References Trailers

Magnolia Specifics

For Magnolia Network Only

The trailers will be used by the Brand Creative team to promote season 1 series. The trailer should be a snapshot of the season as a whole and showcase what sets this series apart from the others in its genre.
Please see specific specs in the document below.

2024-Program-Guidelines-for-Magnolia-Network-Marketing-Creative.pdf 2024 Program Guidelines for Magnolia Network Marketing Creative.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 135.85 KB 2024-03-01 March 1, 2024 2024-03-01 March 1, 2024
135.85 KBMarch 1, 2024

