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ALBERT – UK Sustainability Tool

by | Feb 4, 2022

Guidance and Broadcast Sustainability Protocol

Approach to Production Sustainability at Discovery UK

From July 2021 – as Directorate member of BAFTA albert – all our UK commissions will be required to use the albert sustainability tools and methodologies and our producers will be encouraged to seek full albert certification.

More information can be found on the BAFTA albert website at where producers can access the BAFTA albert free sustainable production online tools, including the BAFTA albert carbon calculator to measure your production’s carbon footprint. If you have been commissioned by Discovery Corporate Services in the UK, you will be asked to complete the BAFTA albert carbon footprint calculator and follow the actions of your carbon footprint action plan as part of your key programme deliverables.

Here are the steps you will need to take:

● Log on or sign up to in pre-production and complete the carbon footprint calculator projection to assess the carbon footprint of your production and set goals and actions to reduce.

● At the end of production you will need to complete a final footprint and submit to BAFTA albert for certification approval – only with a BAFTA albert certified final footprint will you be allowed to apply the albert logo onto the end card of your production.

● As part of your commissioning agreement, you will need to submit evidence of certification and completion of your carbon footprint.

*BAFTA albert is available to steer you through the process and offer support on building a sustainable action plan for your production and if required, provide free training (either directly or via Discovery introduction) including a dedicated session on the bigger picture of climate change and what it means for the TV industry.