Production Guide Menu
Production Budget (Movie Magic & WBD Template)
Please select the appropriate drop down below for more information.
Movie Magic Users
Attached Documents
How to add the Aggregate fringe to a MM budget.pdf application/pdfHow to add the Aggregate fringe to a MM budget.pdf Open Download Copy Link 138.56 KB 2024-12-09 December 9, 2024 2024-12-09 December 9, 2024 |
138.56 KB | December 9, 2024 |
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetWBD-Budget-Assumptions-Only-Template-5_16-20210621-1900.xlsm Download Copy Link 382.69 KB 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 |
382.69 KB | August 20, 2021 |
application/octet-streamWBD-Discovery-Global-MM-Template-2021.mbt Download Copy Link 19.85 KB 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 |
19.85 KB | August 20, 2021 |
application/pdfWBD-Guidelines-MOVIE-MAGIC-Aug-2021.pdf Open Download Copy Link 448.13 KB 2021-09-23 September 23, 2021 2021-09-23 September 23, 2021 |
448.13 KB | September 23, 2021 |
Production Budget (Excel/Movie Magic Template)
Producers should use Discovery’s Production Budget template in either Movie Magic and/or Excel and upload to the Producer’s Portal for review and acceptance during the negotiating process.
The budget template will be used for all new projects going forward and your Discovery Production Management representative(s) will introduce this to you in more detail as new productions are being discussed. Materials are available now in the Production Guide within the Portal and these will include:
- Instructions for creating a budget using Movie Magic with the Discovery template
- Producer’s Portal upload guidelines specifically for the new budget & assumptions
- Recorded webinar which will walk through budget creation & uploading steps
OneDrive folder containing webinars with upload steps is here:
Production Budget Instructions:
- Create budgets only using attached Discovery Movie Magic template with Discovery Chart of Accounts. MM budgets must be submitted/uploaded as an XML (Detailed) export and in PDF file format.
- Budgets must be named with following convention: show title_season_ order_year_budget (EX FunkyMonkey_s8_6x60_2019_budget)
- Budget top sheet need to contain: project title, production company, number of episodes, draft revision numbers and date of budget.
- Include full details for all amounts, units and rates, i.e., one AVID rental for 7 weeks at $1,000/ep totaling $7000 should be input as: 7 x weeks x 1 x $1,000 = $7,000.
- Budgets must be inclusive of, but not limited to, all show costs, such as Insurance Premiums, Legal Fees, all Post Production and Program Material Requirements as well as any development or pre-production costs paid by DCL.
- A detailed Discovery Production Schedule/Cut Schedule must accompany the budget. Save file as xls with following naming convention: show title_season_ order_year_schedule (EX FunkyMonkey_s8_6x60_2019_ schedule). Upload Schedule excel file to producer’s portal under Production Schedule.
- A Discovery Budget Assumptions page must contain project title, production company and producer names, number of episodes, draft revision numbers and date of budget highlighting the shooting format, locations, etc. Assumptions are uploaded to same section as budget. Once assumptions are complete, save file as xls with following naming convention: show title_season_order_ year_assumptions (EX FunkyMonkey_s8_6x60_2019_ assumptions)
- All equipment purchases must first be approved by the Discovery Production Management Department during the budgeting negotiations, and in the case of a full commission, will remain the property of Discovery. Moreover, all assets in excess of $2,500 that are purchased with production funds must first be approved by the Discovery Production Management Department. A complete and detailed list of all equipment purchased during the course of production (i.e., cameras, computers, offline editing equipment, etc.) must be provided upon request to the DCL Production Manager at the close of production. The Discovery Production Management Department may, on a case-by-case basis, arrange with the Producer for the disposition of purchased equipment at the end of production and the revenues generated from sales will be applied to offset the final costs of production. In the case of a co-production, the revenues would be split on a pro rata basis according to Discovery’s contribution.
Non-Movie Magic Workflow (Updated September 2024)
Attached Documents
How to add the Aggregate fringe to a MM budget.pdf application/pdfHow to add the Aggregate fringe to a MM budget.pdf Open Download Copy Link 138.56 KB 2024-12-09 December 9, 2024 2024-12-09 December 9, 2024 |
138.56 KB | December 9, 2024 |
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetWBD-Budget-Assumptions-Only-Template-5_16-20210621-1900.xlsm Download Copy Link 382.69 KB 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 |
382.69 KB | August 20, 2021 |
application/octet-streamWBD-Discovery-Global-MM-Template-2021.mbt Download Copy Link 19.85 KB 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 2021-08-20 August 20, 2021 |
19.85 KB | August 20, 2021 |
application/pdfWBD-Guidelines-MOVIE-MAGIC-Aug-2021.pdf Open Download Copy Link 448.13 KB 2021-09-23 September 23, 2021 2021-09-23 September 23, 2021 |
448.13 KB | September 23, 2021 |
Production Budget (Excel/Movie Magic Template)
Producers should use Discovery’s Production Budget template in either Movie Magic and/or Excel and upload to the Producer’s Portal for review and acceptance during the negotiating process.
The budget template will be used for all new projects going forward and your Discovery Production Management representative(s) will introduce this to you in more detail as new productions are being discussed. Materials are available now in the Production Guide within the Portal and these will include:
- Instructions for creating a budget using Movie Magic with the Discovery template
- Producer’s Portal upload guidelines specifically for the new budget & assumptions
- Recorded webinar which will walk through budget creation & uploading steps
OneDrive folder containing webinars with upload steps is here:
- Create budgets only using attached Discovery Excel budget template with Discovery Chart of Accounts. Excel budgets must be submitted/uploaded as xlsm format. UPDATE September 16, 2024: Upon downloading and attempting to edit this xlsm, you may receive a warning that the macros are not working or have been disabled. We are aware of this change and it is a global change done by Microsoft, not by WBD. You may find this article helpful:
- Budgets must be named with following convention: show title_season_ order_year_budget (EX FunkyMonkey_s8_6x60_2019_budget)
- Budget top sheet need to contain: project title, production company, number of episodes, draft revision numbers and date of budget.
- Include full details for all amounts, units and rates, i.e., one AVID rental for 7 weeks at $1,000/ep totaling $7000 should be input as: 7 x weeks x 1 x $1,000 = $7,000.
- Budgets must be inclusive of, but not limited to, all show costs, such as Insurance Premiums, Legal Fees, all Post Production and Program Material Requirements as well as any development or pre-production costs paid by DCL.
- A detailed Discovery Production Schedule/Cut Schedule must accompany the budget. Save file as xls with following naming convention: show title_season_ order_year_schedule (EX FunkyMonkey_s8_6x60_2019_ schedule). Upload Schedule excel file to producer’s portal under Production Schedule.
- A Discovery Budget Assumptions page must contain project title, production company and producer names, number of episodes, draft revision numbers and date of budget highlighting the shooting format, locations, etc. Assumptions are uploaded to same section as budget. Once assumptions are complete, save file as xls with following naming convention: show title_season_order_ year_assumptions (EX FunkyMonkey_s8_6x60_2019_ assumptions)
- All equipment purchases must first be approved by the Discovery Production Management Department during the budgeting negotiations, and in the case of a full commission, will remain the property of Discovery. Moreover, all assets in excess of $2,500 that are purchased with production funds must first be approved by the Discovery Production Management Department. A complete and detailed list of all equipment purchased during the course of production (i.e., cameras, computers, offline editing equipment, etc.) must be provided upon request to the DCL Production Manager at the close of production. The Discovery Production Management Department may, on a case-by-case basis, arrange with the Producer for the disposition of purchased equipment at the end of production and the revenues generated from sales will be applied to offset the final costs of production. In the case of a co-production, the revenues would be split on a pro rata basis according to Discovery’s contribution.
- Create budgets only using attached Discovery Excel budget template with Discovery Chart of Accounts. Excel budgets must be submitted/uploaded as xlsm format. UPDATE September 16, 2024: Upon downloading and attempting to edit this xlsm, you may receive a warning that the macros are not working or have been disabled. We are aware of this change and it is a global change done by Microsoft, not by WBD. You may find this article helpful: