Redirecting to PMD COVID-19 GUIDELINES | Discovery

Production Guide Menu


by | May 12, 2023

Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) expects that 3rd party production companies, producing content for the company, will adhere to local laws, public health department and/or guild contractual obligations for COVID-19 in areas such as, but not limited to, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine.  Any screening or testing protocols implemented by the 3rd party on production must also follow local privacy and data protection laws.

WBD asks that COVID protocols be submitted and stored with other documentation through the producer portal.  WBD will not review such protocols, but will store a copy for reference if needed.  It is the producer’s responsibility to ensure that protocols are communicated to cast and crew and enforced appropriately.  A production company must not share private health information with WBD.

If your production is subject to a shutdown or schedule delay as a result of a COVID event, please inform your WBD point of contact.

Because every production is different, WBD encourages each production company to think strategically about risk mitigation for the production environment. Each production company is responsible for developing an assessment and mitigation plan in line with current governmental requirements and applicable health organization guidance.
